Building eXist-db

Building a WAR from the Standard Distribution

If you would like to deploy eXist-db into an existing servlet engine (e.g. tomcat), you will need a .war file. We no longer distribute a .war build, but it is easy to create one from the standard distribution by repackaging (not building) it:

  1. Install the standard distribution

    Get a standard distribution from eXist-db download page. Install it into a directory of your choice. Make sure you include the source package.

  2. Generate the WAR

    Open a command line prompt and change to the directory where you just installed eXist-db. Call dist-war


    build.bat dist-war

    once. This will generate a .war archive into directory dist.

Note that generating a WAR archive does only repackage the files in the distribution, so if the distribution worked properly for you, the WAR should as well. You don't need to recompile eXist-db or sign any jars.

Building eXist-db from GitHub

Building eXist-db is quite easy and requires 3 simple steps:

  1. Clone from Github

    The GitHub URL for the develop branche is:

    Please follow the instructions on our GitHub page page ( section)

  2. Set JAVA_HOME

    Before starting the build, your JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set to point to the root directory of the JAVA JDK (note: JDK, not JRE!). Open a console or a DOS box on windows and type:

    set JAVA_HOME=c:\path\to\jdk

    on windows or

    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk

    on unix.

  3. Build eXist

    Change into the eXist-db directory you just checked out and call


    on windows or on unix:

Using the Build System

You can rebuild all eXist-db packages from the standard distribution or the GitHub repository. You can even create a new distribution from the one you installed. For example, assume you installed eXist using the installer GUI, but you need to have an exist.war package for deployment within a different servlet engine. Just call the main build script ( or build.bat) and pass it the target dist-war: dist-war

This will create a fresh .war archive in the dist directory.

To be able to use the build system, you need to include the "source" module when selecting installable packages in the installer GUI.

eXist-db relies on Ant for all compile and build tasks. Ant is included in the distribution (directory tools/ant). As already mentioned above, there are two shell scripts to start Ant: or build.bat. The shell scripts will take care to create a proper command line to launch Java with the Ant version included in the distribution.

Calling Ant without further argument will compile the sources and create the main jar-files (exist.jar, exist-optional.jar, start.jar). -p

lists the available build targets. Passing one of these as argument to ant will call execute the corresponding target. The main targets are:


Compile the sources and create the main jar-files (exist.jar, exist-optional.jar, start.jar).

benchmark Performs the benchmark tests for eXist-db.
clean Cleans the files and directories generated by a previous build. Data is preserved.
clean-all Cleanup deeper.
clean-conf Cleanup config file.
clean-default-data-dir Remove contents in default data directory.
compile Compiles the source code.
compile-aspectj Compiles the aspects.
dist-tgz Packages eXist-db into a .tgz file.
dist-war Packages eXist-db into a .war file for deployment within a servlet engine.
dist-zip Packages eXist-db into a .zip file.
download-additional-jars Download optional third-party jar files. These are currently: saxon. These are downloaded into lib/user/.
download-icu4j Download the optional icu4j library.
download-xars Download xars to include in installer.
download-xqts Download XQTS file.
download-xslts Download XSLTS file.
extension-modules Build the extensions directory. Edit the file extensions/ enable extensions and modules.
installer Creates a new installer package based on IzPack.
installer-exe Create .exe from installer
jar The default: compiles the source and creates eXist's main .jar files.
javadocs Creates the API docs into webapp/api.
jdepend JDepend traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality metrics for each Java package.
jetty-keygen Generate keystore for jetty.
jnlp-keygen Generate keystore for signing jars.
jnlp-pack200 Pack all jar files.
jnlp-sign-all This signs all of the jar files, so that the webstart of the eXist-db client Java application will launch without any signing errors.
jnlp-sign-core Sign all CORE jar files.
jnlp-sign-exist Sign all EXIST jar files.
jnlp-unsign-all This unsigns all of the jar files.
rebuild Performs a clean and the all.
samples Builds the examples and packs them into examples.jar.
snapshot-installer Creates a snapshot installer.
test Runs all tests in the test suite and outputs the HTML result into test/junit/html. This may take several minutes.
xquery Regenerate the XQuery parser code with ANTLR (only required if you change src/org/exist/xquery/parser/XQuery.g).
xars Scan apps directory and include all .xar files into installer.
Useful Build Targets

You might want to set some custom settings (in particular your HTTP proxy when external libraries are required) before running or build.bat. See

Signing jar files for webstart

The database can be easily accessed with the Java client, when the client is launched by clicking the Java Webstart "Launch" button on the right side of this page. Java webstart explicilty requires that all application code, the 'jar' files, are signed using a security certificate. Out of the box, when eXist-db is installed using the installer, all relevant jar files have already been signed, so webstart can be used directly. It is nessecary however to (re-)sign the jar files yourself if you want to (re-)build the eXist-db java code. This chapter explains how to do this.


To get started quickly, just execute the following command:

./ -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml

This command sequentially creates the file and signs a selection of jar files:

./ -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml 
Starting Ant...

Buildfile: ..../eXist-db/build/scripts/jarsigner.xml


   [genkey] Generating Key for exist

  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/exist-fluent.jar to ..../eXist-db/exist-fluent.jar as exist
  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/exist-optional.jar to ..../eXist-db/exist-optional.jar as exist
  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/exist.jar to ..../eXist-db/exist.jar as exist
  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/start.jar to ..../eXist-db/start.jar as exist

  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/lib/core/antlr-2.7.7.jar to ..../eXist-db/lib/core/antlr-2.7.7.jar as exist
  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/lib/core/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar to ..../eXist-db/lib/core/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar as exist
  [signjar] Signing JAR: ..../eXist-db/lib/core/xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar to ..../eXist-db/lib/core/xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar as exist
Jarsigner.xml Output

Note that this command needs to be executed just once. In subsequent builds newly generated jars are signed automatically.

Ant targets

An overview of all available ant targets can be retrieved by executing the following command:

./ -projecthelp -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml 

The following ant targets are available for signing jar files:


Create keystore file and sign all EXIST and CORE jar files. (Default task)


Generate a new keystore file if not present.


Delete the keystore file.


Sign all CORE jar files in lib/core.


Sign all EXIST jar files, e.g. exist.jar, exist-XX.jar and start.jar


Unsign all jar files.

The target jnlp-keygen generates a new certificate file If this file is present the EXIST jar files are signed during each following build. The process of signing jar files can be stopped by removing this keystore file.

The ant script contains two additional targets: jetty-keygen which generates a keystore file for the jetty server and jnlp-pack200 which processes the signed jar files with pack200 technology. More about the latter in the next section.

Reducing jar sizes with pack200 compression

Pack200 is a compression technology introduced in Java 1.5.0. It has been designed for compressing jar files and works most efficiently on Java class files. Pack200 can reduce the size of a jar file up to 60% resulting into a significant reduction of the amount of downloaded webstart data.

The webstart jar files can be compressed with pack200 with the following command:

./ -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml jnlp-pack200
This command consecutively performs the following steps for all jar files:
  • unsign

  • repack (normalization)

  • sign

  • compress with pack200

  • compress with gzip

./ -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml jnlp-pack200
                    Starting Ant...
                    Buildfile: .../eXist-db/build/scripts/jarsigner.xml
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning exist-fluent.jar
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning exist-optional.jar
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning exist.jar
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning start.jar
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning antlr-2.7.7.jar
                    [unsignjar] Unsigning xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing exist-fluent.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing exist-optional.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing exist.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing start.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing antlr-2.7.7.jar
                    [repack] Normalizing xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/exist-fluent.jar to .../eXist-db/exist-fluent.jar as exist
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/exist-optional.jar to .../eXist-db/exist-optional.jar as exist
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/exist.jar to .../eXist-db/exist.jar as exist
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/start.jar to .../eXist-db/start.jar as exist
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/lib/core/antlr-2.7.7.jar to .../eXist-db/lib/core/antlr-2.7.7.jar as exist
                    [signjar] Signing JAR: .../eXist-db/lib/core/xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar to .../eXist-db/lib/core/xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar as exist
                    [pack] Packing exist-fluent.jar
                    [pack] Packing exist-optional.jar
                    [pack] Packing exist.jar
                    [pack] Packing start.jar
                    [pack] Packing antlr-2.7.7.jar
                    [pack] Packing xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar
                    BUILD SUCCESSFUL
                    Total time: 1 minute 0 seconds
pack200 Output

The pack200 compression feature works with Java SE 6 update 10 (Java6u10) or newer. Older Java6 versions will only receive the larger jar files.



  • Sometimes when the jar files are signed, eXist-db does not start anymore. In this situation unsign the jar files first. Calling target 'jnlp-pack200' does always unsign all jar files as first step.

  • The pack200 target is not executed automatically. If eXist-db code is changed and recompiled, you might want to execute the jnlp-pack200 target again.